Customized Fitness Programs by Avos Strength


Program Design

Whether you prefer to train from the comfort of your home or have access to a gym, or if you're an athlete seeking a tailored strength and conditioning program to meet the unique demands of your sport, our programs are meticulously designed to cater to your specific training needs, address your weaknesses, utilize the available gym equipment, and align with your skill level.

Your personalized program is conveniently delivered to you through a user-friendly app, which offers a seamless experience for tracking your progress, providing comments, and staying in direct communication with your dedicated coach. We highly encourage you to take advantage of the app's capabilities by sharing training videos with your coach. This allows for real-time feedback and guidance, ensuring that your program remains finely tuned to help you achieve your fitness and performance goals.

Hybrid Training

Hybrid Training is right for you if:

  • You're on a budget and can't afford 1-on-1 or group training.

  • You struggle with consistent gym attendance due to time constraints.

  • You face challenges related to the distance to the nearest gym.

  • You have access to your own gym and seek a tailored training program for your convenience.

After the client's initial assessment, Hybrid Training includes custom programming and 1-4 private training sessions per month. The individual training sessions can be done either virtually or in person. These private sessions not only strengthen the coach-athlete relationship but also allow for necessary adjustments to your training program as you make progress. Additionally, it provides program check-ins to ensure you are performing the exercises correctly and answers any questions you may have about your program.


Program Design and Hybrid Training Pricing

Program Design

$250 / month

Hybrid Training

1 session/month $350/month

2 session/month $425/month

3 session/month $500/month

4 session/month $575/month

*Prices do not show GST