Diverse Training Options at
Avos Strength


Performance Testing

Whether you are an athlete, ready to up your game or a general fitness client, we have the tools for you.

Performance testing helps give us a base line, so we’re not guessing in the dark and it also allows us to accurately measure improvement.


Corporate Group TRAINING

There is no better way to increase team building and cohesion than in a fun environment, training with your colleagues. If you have a gym facility on site or a park nearby, we can make it happen.  Whether you are looking for lunch time or after work sessions. Contact us for more details.


Youth Training

Develop skills to excel in your sport and move optimally. Physical literacy and fundamental movement skills such as jumping, landing, change of direction and throwing are all important skills to round an athlete’s abilities, improve performance and reduce injury. Research shows that youth should be exposed to a wide variety of stimuli to avoid early sport specialization. Get stronger and move better in a fun environment! Small group and team training are also available.


Team Training For Performance/Programming

We also provide group training for teams both in person, in small groups and custom programming for teams to train on their own. We work collaboratively with the team coach to come up with a program based on the Yearly Training Plan (YTP) of the sport in order to peak for performance in major competitions and improve on physical qualities that are proven by research to be key indicators of performance in the sport.


Gym design and equipment purchase consulting

Do you have a home gym or facility that you would like designed? We provide consulting on gym design and equipment selection based on the square footage of your space, your needs, and budget. Evelyn’s first career was in Architecture and Engineering, working for an Architectural firm for 3 years. Let us help you design your dream gym or fitness facility.