Boxing and Diverse Training Options at
Avos Strength



Experience the art of boxing like never before. Learn to box with proper form and technique from a trainer who not only has in-depth knowledge but has also competed in the sport. This is not your typical boxercise class; here, you will truly master the fundamentals, from learning how to throw a punch with precision to honing your fight skills. Our goal is to help you reach the highest level of competence in the sport of boxing, whether you aspire to compete or simply want to perfect your skills and learn a new sport. Join us for a genuine boxing experience that goes beyond the basics, providing the opportunity to develop your abilities to their fullest potential.


Boxing Pricing

Single Session

$150 / Session

Monthly Package

2x/week $960 ($120/session)

3x/week $1320 ($110/session)

4x/week $1600 ($100/session)

Group Pricing also applies to Boxing Pricing

*Discount rates available for youth

*Prices do not show GST